Sep 04 , 2019
Meet Our Partner For PowerHouse Women 2019
PowerHouse Women 2019 is right around the corner!
We knew that sponsoring this event would be an amazing opportunity to create a partnership with a local non-profit organization and create an element of giving back. Women at the PowerHouse event will have Jayne themed, fun and beautiful photo opportunities. If they choose to share with family, friends, and followers by tagging/mentioning @jaynecollection when they post, Jayne will be making donations on their behalf for each and every tag! EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS!
So that being said, Jayne is happy to announce that our partnership will be with the "Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence"
The ACESDV offers so much to the community. Not only do they partner with local shelters and offer direct service programs, but they also are advocates for public policy and funding, phone and chat helplines, provide resources and information, spread public awareness, offer member programs, and so much more!
ACESDV History- "The Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence was formed in 1980 so that concerned citizens and professionals could unite in a statewide organization to end domestic violence. In 2013, the coalition became the designated dual coalition to address both sexual and domestic violence thus becoming the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence."
If you would like to contact ACESDV for resources, services, donating, or getting involved,
Mailing address is: 2700 N. Central Ave, Suite 1100 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Contact by telephone locally at (602) 279-2900, toll-free 1 (800) 782-6400, and TTD/TTY (602) 279-7270. If you prefer, you may email directly Info@acesdv.org